Darya Kondratyeva
The Founder of the Kodalex
Registered Attorney-at-law at Milan BAR Association, Member of the International Relations Committee of the Milan’s BAR Association.
Thanks to the pluriannual legal experience acquired in different jurisdictions as well as to the professional knowledge of four languages, Darya works on complex judicial and extrajudicial matters characterized by international elements. Darya has accrued, inter alia, a particular expertise in international contracts drafting, handdling of civil and commercial cross border transactions as well as legal advice to Italian companies and individuals on Eastern European markets and vice versa.
Professional Qualifications
Darya has Law Degree in two jurisdictions:
– in 2004 at Y. Mudrij National Law University of Ukraine
– in 2016 at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan
Since January 2020 she is a Member of the of the International Relations Committee of the Milan’s Bar Association;
Darya is admitted to the legal practice in two states: Ukraine and Italy
Since May 2017 – She is a Technical Consultant of the Court of Milan,
Since January 2017 – She is a Registered Expert of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan for the following languages: Italian, Russian, Ukrainian, English
Notary Public within the Kharkiv city District (Ukraine) since 2006 and until the transfer to Italy in 2011.

Barbara Belloni
Barbara Belloni has graduated from the University of Milan and is a member of the Milan BAR Association since 2012.
She handles Criminal Law matters, with a particular reference to crimes against individuals. She deals with the protection of women victims of violence of any kind, stalking, international child abduction matters, etc.
Barbara has also accrued a particular expertise in White Collar Crimes (property crimes, tax crimes, Labour law related crimes, environmental crimes, crimes against public administration).
Barabara is a permanent member of many administrative Supervisory Boards dealing with the Companies administrative liability pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.

Lorenzo Castiglioni
Lorenzo Castiglioni has graduated from the University of Milan and is a member of the Milan BAR Association since 2012.
His main areas of activity are Criminal Law, including Juvenile law, Criminal Enforcement and Execution Law as well as Immigration Law.
In field of immigration processes, the client is being followed since the initial stages of the evaluation of the possibilities to obtain a residence permit and defining of the right type, the process of the application request, documents collection, assistance with the public authorities headquarters.
Lorenzo also follows the clients before the Regional Administrative Courts and the Ordinary Courts in judicial appeals against denial of residence permits, as well as before the Juvenile Courts for the presentation cases ex art. 31 D.Lgs. 286/98 for illegal immigrants – parents of minors.

Giulia Naboni
Trainee lawyer
Dr. Giulia Naboni has graduated in law in 2022 from State University of Milan, with a specialization in judicial cooperation in criminal matters within the EU.
She is a registered paralegal within the BAR Association of Milan since March 2022.
Dr. Naboni assists the attorneys of Kodalex in handling of civil law matters with a particular focus on International Law.
Thanks to the professional knowledge of 2 languages (Italian and English) Giulia is able to assist the English-speaking clients of the Firm.